The Hallelujah House: a home for christian creatives

Welcome Home! Come inside our living room and get comfortable as Tammy Carter Adams and Liz Hammond discuss topics regarding faith and scripture. Subscribe to The Hallelujah House a home for all your creative needs from art projects for adults to children, and topics to help you lean into Jesus Christ. So stop by and subscribe at Which room will you explore? We’ll see you at the house.

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Abiding in the Vine

Bible Study:

 Have you wanted to hear God's voice clearly? Do you want to understand what it means to Abide? Do you want to partake of the abundant life God promises in His Word?

  Gather around a farmhouse table with five women and listen as they lead you through the Bible study Abiding in the Vine: Hearing the Voice of God by Richard Case.

This study can be listened to as a podcast or can be taken as a Bible study with the corresponding workbook. The workbook can be purchased here.




Wednesday May 15, 2024

Come into the Living Room as Tammy Carter Adams shares her experiences with witches, and how we as believers can suit up for an ever-darkening culture.
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Check out our Instagram for Art Tutorials.
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Tuesday May 07, 2024

Come into The Living Room today as Tammy Carter Adams discusses the facets of worship, types of worship, and how you can examine to see which type of worshipper you are. She also shares a God dream she had one night regarding the holiness of God. So, come on in, grab a cup of coffee and listen in. Welcome Home. 
Check out our blog at
Come join the conversation at our private Facebook group.
Check out our Instagram for Art Tutorials.
Please like and subscribe if you enjoy this podcast and share with your friends. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Are you in a wilderness season? Did you know God utilizes wilderness seasons in our lives for specific reasons? Come inside The Living Room today as Tammy Carter Adams discusses the different types of wildernesses and how God utilizes them in a believer's life.
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Come join the conversation at our private Facebook group.
Check out our Instagram for Art Tutorials.
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Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

 Come into the Living Room today as Tammy Carter Adams shares how God gave her the gift of painting and how He used this skill for His glory. This podcast examines if we God created us in His image does this make us creative beings? And can we ask God for a gift we yearn for? So come on in and listen to "Does God Give Creative Gifts?" The Hallelujah House is a home for Christian artists. 
Check out our blog at
Come join the conversation at our private Facebook group.
Check out our Instagram for Art Tutorials.
Please like and subscribe if you enjoy this podcast and share with your friends. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Come into the Living Room today as Tammy Carter Adams shares the different types of callings and how to identify what your purpose may be. She examines Matthew 13:1-9 The Parable of the Sower and the Seeds and shares her story of chasing after the "boy band" phenomenon, and how she heard God's still small voice in New York while attending their boy bands concert in a dark venue. It's all here in our Tuesday Podcast. So come get comfortable and listen to "Identifying God's Call." 
Check out our blog at
Come join the conversation at our private Facebook group.
Check out our Instagram for Art Tutorials.
Please like and subscribe if you enjoy this podcast and share with your friends. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Are You Living in God's Abundance? Join Tammy in the Living Room as she discusses the truth about the Abundant life and shares her latest health issue as it relates to living in abundance.
Check out our blog at
Come join the conversation at our private Facebook group.
Check out our Instagram for Art Tutorials.
Please like and subscribe if you enjoy this podcast and share with your friends. Thank you for your support!

Episode 3: Tammy's Testimony

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Are You Spiritually Dehydrated? A Litmus Test.
Welcome to The Hallelujah House. In the Living Room today Tammy Carter Adams discusses spiritual dehydration and explains how you know if you need to fill your vessel with The Living Water.
Check out our blog at
Come join the conversation at our private Facebook group.
Check out our Instagram for Art Tutorials.
Please like and subscribe if you enjoy this video and share with your friends. Thank you for your support!

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Did you choose a word or a verse for your new year? My word this year is "hydrate". Come on inside the Living Room and let me tell you why.

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Come sit around our table as we discuss ways to help our kids and grandkids  face the cultural climate, and without fear, for they were created for such a time as this. 
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Home – The Hallelujah House
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Tammy Carter Adams (@tcahallelujahhouse) • Instagram
Tammy Carter Adams @ The Hallelujah House (@tammywammy22) / Twitter

Saturday Dec 17, 2022

Have you decorated your house?…Baked your goodies for the neighbors?…Taken the family pjs picture? Sent out the Christmas cards? Done your Christmas shopping? Wrapped your presents? Scheduled that hair appointment for the fancy party you’re feeling angst about? Whew! It’s enough to make the calmest person jiggly with nerves. Here’s an invitation you don’t want to dismiss.  It’s time to stop on by the House and  join Liz and Tammy as they discuss ways to keep anxiety from ruining your Christmas. There’s a place for you at the table. See you there!

Episode 18: Gratefulness

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

While dressing the turkey and baking the pies, come on up to the House and hear Liz and Tammy discuss what they’re thankful for this year, ways to foster gratefulness, and some fun activities you can do with your family this Thanksgiving to celebrate gratefulness.
We'll see you there!
Read the blog:
Home – The Hallelujah House
Follow us on social media!
The Hallelujah House | Facebook
Tammy Carter Adams (@tcahallelujahhouse) • Instagram
Tammy Carter Adams @ The Hallelujah House (@tammywammy22) / Twitter

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