The Hallelujah House: a home for christian creatives

Welcome Home! Come inside our living room and get comfortable as Tammy Carter Adams and Liz Hammond discuss topics regarding faith and scripture. Subscribe to The Hallelujah House a home for all your creative needs from art projects for adults to children, and topics to help you lean into Jesus Christ. So stop by and subscribe at Which room will you explore? We’ll see you at the house.

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Abiding in the Vine

Bible Study:

 Have you wanted to hear God's voice clearly? Do you want to understand what it means to Abide? Do you want to partake of the abundant life God promises in His Word?

  Gather around a farmhouse table with five women and listen as they lead you through the Bible study Abiding in the Vine: Hearing the Voice of God by Richard Case.

This study can be listened to as a podcast or can be taken as a Bible study with the corresponding workbook. The workbook can be purchased here.




Friday Oct 14, 2022

Come by the house, gather round our table as Liz and Tammy discuss the importance of repentance and how to teach our children young and old how to have a repentant life. We’ll see you there.
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Tammy Carter Adams @ The Hallelujah House (@tammywammy22) / Twitter

Episode 16: Jesus in the Boat

Thursday Sep 08, 2022

Thursday Sep 08, 2022

In Today’s episode: Liz and I examine the story taken from Mark 4:35-41 when Jesus calms the storm.
Are you going through a storm today? Do you feel as if you are being tossed about?
Gather round our table, and let’s discuss how this passage is just as powerful today as it was on the Sea of Galilee many years ago.
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Home – The Hallelujah House
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Tammy Carter Adams (@tcahallelujahhouse) • Instagram
Tammy Carter Adams @ The Hallelujah House (@tammywammy22) / Twitter

Friday Aug 26, 2022

Today at the House, co-host Liz Hammond shares her testimony.
The story of a pastor’s wife who self-medicates with alcohol, and later leaves her family for the arms of a man who nearly kills her. After being forced to sleep in her car one night, she wonders if it’s too late for her.
Is God truly a loving Father? If you know a prodigal, or if you’ve turned away from God yourselfand wonder if He truly does forgive, this podcast is for you.
Come sit at our table and listen to “From Prodigal to Precious” The testimony of Liz Hammond.
If you enjoy this podcast, please share with friends and family.
Read the blog:
Home – The Hallelujah House
Follow us on social media!
The Hallelujah House | Facebook
Tammy Carter Adams (@tcahallelujahhouse) • Instagram
Tammy Carter Adams @ The Hallelujah House (@tammywammy22) / Twitter

Ep 14: August Update

Thursday Aug 04, 2022

Thursday Aug 04, 2022

Good morning, y'all! Today, I just wanted to briefly go over some new changes coming to the blog and podcast. We're excited for the future of our Hallelujah House, and hope y'all are as well!
Read the blog:
Home – The Hallelujah House
Follow us on social media!
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Tammy Carter Adams (@tcahallelujahhouse) • Instagram
Tammy Carter Adams @ The Hallelujah House (@tammywammy22) / Twitter

Saturday May 14, 2022

In today’s podcast, Tracey Carter and I discuss what God warned her about in her abiding time and what happened months later. Stop by the House. You don’t want to miss it. 

Monday Apr 25, 2022

Today’s podcast we all share what God revealed to us in our quiet time of abiding. It is extremely personal and powerful. You don’t want to miss it. So come on in.

Monday Apr 18, 2022

Hope you stop by the House today. In today’s podcast we are releasing two sessions: Sessions 10 and 11 in your Bible study.In Session 10, we are discussing just how important is the Word of God.In Session 11, we discuss what the Father requires as we grow in abiding. Prem shares her testimony of having faith in God’s ability to give her a baby. Liz shares a powerful word of encouragement for anyone who’s feeling discouraged or losing hope. Tracey shares a powerful testimony of how God healed her husband when the doctors gave up hope on him surviving.

Monday Apr 11, 2022

 Welcome to the House! Today’s podcast we dissect how to abide and hear His voice. We examine the soils of the heart, what it takes to truly be a child of God, and the downfalls of the “Believer’s prayer.” Today, I share my personal testimony.

BONUS: The Three Women

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022

Correction: The Woman with the Alabaster box took place in Galilea and Mary, who washed Jesus' feet, took place in Bethany.

Session 8: Mary and Martha

Monday Apr 04, 2022

Monday Apr 04, 2022

Come by the House today and join us in discussing the well-known story of two sisters Mary and Martha and why is this story so important to us today. Which sister was the Abider? We discuss the practice of journaling what God tells you.

Session 7: Desire

Monday Mar 28, 2022

Monday Mar 28, 2022

Stop by the House today where we discuss God’s promise of giving us the desires of our hearts.
What does this mean exactly?
What are the conditions of this promise?
The ladies share some of their own desires and how God has blessed them sometimes better than what they asked for.

Session 6: Sanctification

Monday Mar 21, 2022

Monday Mar 21, 2022

Come on over to the House where we discuss more benefits of Abiding. In today’s podcast we take a look at sanctification.
What is it? What does it look like for an abider? Do you have to abide to receive this character transformation? 
We also discuss the promise of answered prayers and Liz shares a personal story of how God made her a promise regarding her marriage when her marriage was splitting apart at the seams, and how He brought His Word to fruition.
You don’t want to miss it.

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